The serious side of kid and canine play

With two-thirds of children in the U.S. failing to meet national physical activity guidelines, kinesiologists at the University of Massachusetts Amherst have been looking at the impact of the family dog on the exercise habits ...

Why are women cited less frequently than men?

Citation counts count. The number of citations is commonly perceived as indicative of a researcher's productivity and academic impact. It weighs heavily in considerations for hiring, promotion, funding allocation, and salary ...

Research contextualizes ownership competence in private firms

Researchers can now point to two competencies that owner-managers must possess for their firms to experience growth: matching competence and governance competence. In a recent study published in the Strategic Entrepreneurship ...

Do school grades influence parental support?

The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) has researched parents' support behavior in relation to school grades. The study shows that low-income families support their children equally regardless of grades, ...

Online gaming is bringing RAF families closer

Modern methods of internet-based communication such as online gaming and video calls are helping RAF servicepeople stay connected to their families when serving away from home—but challenges still remain, according to new ...

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