Advances in the conceptual model for filtering fake news

The spread of misinformation as fake news via social media is a serious problem especially when it colors the opinions and actions of people unimpeded by critical thinking. Fake news in the area of politics, health and medicine, ...

Linguistic cues could be key to exposing fake news

After the revelations about the 2016 U.S. presidential election being influenced by Russian-generated "fake news," many people became more critical towards news on social media. "Fake news" was subsequently coined by several ...

Study examines the impact of fake online reviews on sales

Can you really trust that online product review before you make a purchase decision? New research has found that the practice of faking online product reviews may be more pervasive than you think.

Who is falling for fake news?

People who read fake news online aren't doomed to fall into a deep echo chamber where the only sound they hear is their own ideology, according to a new study from the Wharton School.

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