Experiments shine light on exotic cosmic rays

The Earth is under constant bombardment by subatomic particles called cosmic rays, including some, known as ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, which pack much more punch than the world's most powerful particle accelerators. Fortunately, ...

UK-US nuke waste deal to help fight cancer

Britain will team up with the United States and European partners to exchange its nuclear waste for material to be used in the fight against cancer, Prime Minister David Cameron will announce Thursday.

Do you understand what your cat is saying?

Do you understand what your cat is saying? And does your cat understand what you are saying? The new research project "Melody in human-cat communication" at Lund University in Sweden may find the answer.

WikiLeaks not connected to any terrorist attacks in study

The WikiLeaks organization was criticized for providing a target list for terrorists when it published a secret memo in 2010 with 200 international sites that the U.S. Department of State considered critical to national security.

Design ingenuity cures health care building energy waste

Health care buildings in the United States use lots of energy and few embrace sustainability, but a study led by Cornell researchers writes a green prescription for finding practical solutions.

British astronaut hopes to see new Star Wars movie in space

Timothy Peake, the first Briton to represent the European Space Agency aboard the International Space Station, will be away from the planet for six months but looks forward to Earthly pleasures like seeing the new Star Wars ...

NutriPhone dials in fast, affordable health care

The modern medical lab is an amazing place. With just a few drops of blood, technicians can use state-of-the-art equipment to gather complex information about a person's nutrition, monitor cholesterol levels and screen for ...

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