I'd prefer an ankle tag: Why home quarantine apps are a bad idea

South Australia has begun a trial of a new COVID app to monitor arrivals into the state. SA Premier Steven Marshall claimed "every South Australian should feel pretty proud that we are the national pilot for the home-based ...

COVID-19 and masking impact emotional labor performance

We are emotional beings and this matters deeply in our personal lives but also in our working lives, perhaps nowhere more so than in the face-to-face service industries. New research in the International Journal of Quality ...

AI program accurately predicts protein localization

Facial recognition software can be used to spot a face in a crowd; but what if it could also predict where someone else was in the same crowd? While this may sound like science fiction, researchers from Japan have now shown ...

Seven tips for making masks work in the classroom

With more infectious variants of the COVID-19 virus emerging, teachers and students have been required to wear masks in high school classrooms. It was mandatory in Greater Sydney and all of Victoria before the recent switch ...

Statins could be key to saving Tasmanian devils

Cholesterol-lowering drugs could help delay the spread of the deadly Tasmanian devil facial tumor disease (DFTD) and may help protect the endangered Australian marsupials from extinction, newly published research by QIMR ...

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