Zeno "boy" robot: Let me introduce myself (w/ Video)

(Phys.org) -- Hanson Robotics is showing its new humanoid robot boy that belongs in its Robokind portfolio of robots, a 2012 reincarnation of its earlier cartoonlike Zeno boy but this time more humanoid with an array of gestures ...

Pigeons never forget a face

New research has shown that feral, untrained pigeons can recognise individual people and are not fooled by a change of clothes.

Taking 2-D materials to the MAX

Discovered by researchers at Drexel University as electrodes for energy applications, MXenes have become a research focus for KAUST. Husam Alshareef and his team specialize in creating nanomaterials for electronic and energy ...

Black, white or multicultural: Constructing race in two countries

A new study demonstrates the strong influence ancestry plays in Americans' interpretation of whether someone is black, white or multiracial, highlighting differences in the way race is socially constructed in the U.S. compared ...

Personalized skin cream from a mini beauty plant

Throughout the day, our skin is exposed to a range of hostile elements: wind, rain, sunlight, central heating, vehicle emissions... It is vital therefore to ensure it receives proper care. Most importantly, this means choosing ...

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