The science of cryopreserving the human body

A small group of companies are offering an alternative to the traditional options that follow death: preserving corpses by freezing your body for future scientists to revive. But is this even possible?

'Goldilocks Zone' may go colder than previously thought

( -- The survival of life on Earth is possible only within a relatively narrow temperature range known as the "Goldilocks Zone," which ranges from around 0 to 100°C. In many ecosystems life is limited by cold ...

Neptune's moon Triton fosters rare icy union

Astronomers using the Gemini Observatory explore Neptune's largest moon Triton and observe, for the first time beyond the lab, an extraordinary union between carbon monoxide and nitrogen ices. The discovery offers insights ...

'Snow apocalypse' batters Moscow

A record-breaking snowstorm descended on Moscow on Friday, paralysing traffic, grounding flights and straining efforts of local authorities to respond to the "snow apocalypse".

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