Related topics: nasa

Why haven't we found any aliens yet?

Many years ago, Carl Sagan predicted there could be as many as 10,000 advanced extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy.

How to tell the world you've discovered an alien civilisation

After countless fictional scenarios of humans making contact with alien civilisations, you'd think we'd be prepared for actually discovering one. But finding intelligent life beyond the Earth is clearly likely to be one of ...

Study suggests fish can experience 'emotional fever'

(—A small team of researchers from the U.K. and Spain has found via lab study that at least one type of fish is capable of experiencing 'emotional fever,' which suggests it may qualify as a sentient being. In their ...

Spreading life throughout the universe

Panspermia hypothesis proposes that life travels between stars and planets, surviving the effects of interstellar journeys and finally settling down on a planetary surface, beginning new evolutionary processes. The microorganisms ...

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