Hunting species: Not just a numbers game

In the race to describe all of Earth's species before they go extinct it has been suggested that one species that is thriving is taxonomists.

Oldest existing lizard-like fossil hints at scaly origins

The fossilised remains of a reptile closely related to lizards are the oldest yet to be discovered. Two new fossil jaws discovered in Vellberg, Germany provide the first direct evidence that the ancestors of lizards, snakes ...

Asteroid deflection

Potential asteroid impact on Earth can have disastrous consequences. In order to prevent such collisions, earthbound space objects must be deflected. This can be accomplished using a space probe to impact the asteroid.

Plant-eating dinosaurs replaced teeth often, carried spares

Some of the largest herbivorous dinosaurs replaced their teeth at a rate of approximately one tooth every 1-2 months to compensate for tooth wear from crunching up plants, according to research published July 17 in the open ...

The last survivors of the end of the world

( —In 2 billion years' time, life on Earth will be confined to pockets of liquid water deep underground, according to PhD astrobiologist Jack O'Malley James of the University of St Andrews. The new research also ...

Giant Australian animals were not wiped out by climate change

( —Researchers have ruled out climate change as the cause of extinction of most of Australia's giant animals, including giant kangaroos, three metre-tall flightless birds and the Tasmanian tiger, around 50,000 ...

30-year woodland trial underway at Monarto

A pioneering long-term University of Adelaide experiment to see how best to restore overgrazed land back to native woodland gets underway at Monarto Zoo today.

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