Global tsunamis driven by underwater volcanic eruptions

In 1883, there was a volcanic eruption so large it killed tens of thousands of people. It expelled so much ash that, for a time, it changed the colors of sunsets and the palette with which impressionist artists painted. In ...

Armored worm reveals the ancestry of three major animal groups

An international team of scientists, including from the Universities of Bristol and Oxford, and the Natural History Museum, have discovered that a well-preserved, fossilized worm dating from 518 million years ago resembles ...

The geologic secrets of Lake Mead

As the climate crisis continues to affect the American West, sunken boats and human remains aren't the only surprises to be revealed by record-low water levels at Lake Mead. Sedimentary rocks that hadn't been seen since the ...

560-million-year-old fossil is earliest known animal predator

Geologists have found the fossil of the earliest known animal predator. The 560-million-year-old specimen is the first of its kind, but it is related to the group that includes corals, jellyfish and anemones living on the ...

Rewinding a supernova with machine learning

New work looks at using machine learning to decipher the early stages of supernovae explosions by reconstructing the light emitted during the outburst. The research was presented today at the 2022 National Astronomy Meeting ...

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