Africa faces grave risks as COVID-19 emerges, says economist

The first cases of COVID-19 emerged in China last November, and the virus has since moved inexorably to Europe and the United States. The virus didn't arrive in Africa—home to 1.2 billion people—until the end of February, ...

UN climate experts stress solidity of new report (Update)

Seeking to dispel any doubts over the credibility of their work, U.N. climate experts called their latest report an unbiased and reliable assessment of global warming as they presented it Monday to officials from 110 governments ...

Climate: Nine bids to host future technology centre

Plans for a global centre to help transfer clean technology to poorer countries have drawn nine bids, including from Iran's oil industry and a team led by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the UN climate forum said on ...

Hackers attack site of Catholic youth celebrations

Hackers temporarily blocked the official World Youth Day site Thursday just as Pope Benedict XVI arrived in Madrid to preside over the festivities, a spokeswoman for the event said.

As climate talks sputter, UN scientists vet 'Plan B'

On the heels of another halting round of talks on climate change, UN scientists this week will review quick-fix options for beating back the threat of global warming that rely on technology rather than political wrangling.

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