Climate vs. weather: Extreme events narrow the doubts

Heatwaves, drought and floods that have struck the northern hemisphere for the third summer running are narrowing doubts that man-made warming is disrupting Earth's climate system, say some scientists.

UN climate experts stress solidity of new report (Update)

Seeking to dispel any doubts over the credibility of their work, U.N. climate experts called their latest report an unbiased and reliable assessment of global warming as they presented it Monday to officials from 110 governments ...

Africa faces grave risks as COVID-19 emerges, says economist

The first cases of COVID-19 emerged in China last November, and the virus has since moved inexorably to Europe and the United States. The virus didn't arrive in Africa—home to 1.2 billion people—until the end of February, ...

New cyberattack made on bank, financial supervisor warns

A new cyberattack has been made against an unnamed bank, part of a coordinated campaign that follows February's theft of $101 million from the Bangladesh central bank, the international money transfer supervisor Swift said ...

A traffic light route to ending the economic lockdown

Easing the lockdown through a traffic light system could help to reboot the economy, provide a clear sense of direction and instill hope, according to new proposals set out by UCL.

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