Understanding the effect of catalyst spin state on reaction

From a spin state perspective, metal complex catalysts are classified into two types: closed-shell catalysts (lacking unpaired electrons, typically based on noble metals like palladium) and open-shell catalysts (with unpaired ...

Structure formation in mini-organs

The development of alveoli in organoids derived from mammary-gland tissue follows the same physical principles as the formation of discrete droplets in a water jet.

How predator traits shape anti-predator response

Prey animals perform a diverse variety of behaviors to escape from predators, but whether specific behaviors are used to escape from predators that represent different types of threat has been long-debated. New research from ...

'Plug-and-play' plasmonic metafibers for ultrafast fiber lasers

Integrating plasmonic metasurfaces on optical fiber tips forming so-called metafibers enriches the functionalities of an ordinary optical fiber, yielding a variety of advanced applications such as planar waveshaping, super-resolution ...

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