A new type of chemical bond: The charge-shift bond

John Morrison Galbraith is an associate professor of chemistry at Marist College who studies chemical bonding, which is the process that holds atoms together to make molecules.

Validating the low-rank hypothesis in complex systems

In a new study, scientists have investigated the pervasive low-rank hypothesis in complex systems, demonstrating that despite high-dimensional nonlinear dynamics, many real networks exhibit rapidly decreasing singular values, ...

'Shell-shocked' crabs can feel pain

The latest study by Professor Bob Elwood and Barry Magee from Queen's School of Biological Sciences looked at the reactions of common shore crabs to small electrical shocks, and their behaviour after experiencing those shocks. ...

Synchronizing chaos through a narrow slice of the spectrum

The abstract notion that the whole can be found in each part of something has for long fascinated thinkers engaged in all walks of philosophy and experimental science, from Immanuel Kant on the essence of time to David Bohm ...

Highly sensitive dopamine detector uses 2-D materials

A supersensitive dopamine detector can help in the early diagnosis of several disorders that result in too much or too little dopamine, according to a group led by Penn State and including Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ...

Ocean acidification may cause dramatic changes to phytoplankton

Oceans have absorbed up to 30 percent of human-made carbon dioxide around the world, storing dissolved carbon for hundreds of years. As the uptake of carbon dioxide has increased in the last century, so has the acidity of ...

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