Expedia to spin off TripAdvisor

Online travel giant Expedia announced plans on Thursday to spin off TripAdvisor into a separate publicly traded company later this year.

Online travel sites seek to ground Google-ITA deal

When Google and Yahoo! forged an advertising pact in 2008, Thomas Barnett headed the anti-trust division of the US Department of Justice, which stepped in and torpedoed the deal.

Critics take aim at Expedia-Orbitz tie-up

A consumer group and hotel industry association are raising objections to the planned merger of online travel bookers Expedia and Orbitz, claiming the deal would lead to a powerful duopoly.

TripAdvisor warns of hotels posting fake reviews

(AP) -- The hotel review may sound too good - citing obscure details like the type of faucets - or perhaps one stands out as the only negative rating of an otherwise popular location.

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