It's raining men! Sweden sees historic gender balance shift

Famous for its efforts to put women on an equal footing with men, Sweden is experiencing a gender balance shift that has caught the country by surprise: For the first time since record-keeping began in 1749, it now has more ...

Greenland sharks live at least 300 years, study finds

While the more than 5 meter long Greenland shark is one of the world's largest sharks, it is also one of the least understood animals on our planet. The Greenland shark's general biology and way of life have been a mystery ...

The pension system can increase inequality

Those who are rich also live longer. Pension systems that ignore this may cause a redistribution from the bottom to the top, say studies by TU Wien (Vienna).

Wild chimpanzees have surprisingly long life spans

A 20-year demographic study of a large chimpanzee community in Uganda's Kibale National Park has revealed that, under the right ecological conditions, our close primate relatives can lead surprisingly long lives in the wild.

Study of 'Persistent Currents' Finally Verifies Theory

( -- Approximately 20 years ago, scientists discovered that is is possible for an electric current to flow endlessly in a ring made of a normal metal. One might think that such an 'old' finding would be well understood ...

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