Amazon's online workforce not so anonymous after all

( —Most people assume that's massive online workforce is anonymous, but a study by researchers from The University of Texas at Austin and five other universities has uncovered a security vulnerability ...

BlackBerry maker to focus on business customers (Update)

(AP) -- Struggling BlackBerry maker Research in Motion Ltd. said Thursday that it plans to return its focus to its corporate customers after failing to compete with flashier, consumer-oriented phones such as Apple's iPhone ...

World's oldest hippo dies at 62

Donna, believed to be the world's oldest hippo, has died at the age of 62 after living more than two decades beyond the massive mammal's usual life expectancy, zoo officials said.

India's TCS announces 29 pct quarterly profit jump

India's biggest software services exporter, TCS, reported Friday that its quarterly net profit rose by 29 percent as the company sealed more deals in a better global business environment.

News Corp. board backs Murdoch after hacking scandal

Rupert Murdoch claimed boardroom backing Wednesday to remain at the helm of News Corp. as he worked to shift attention from the phone-hacking scandal to his media behemoth's healthy bottom line.

Life expectancy falling for adults without a bachelor's degree

Life expectancy in the United States dropped in 2020 due to COVID-19, but, for American adults without a college degree, the increase in mortality in adulthood occurred even earlier, according to a new study authored by Anne ...

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