Teaching robots to move like humans (w/ Video)

When people communicate, the way they move has as much to do with what they're saying as the words that come out of their mouths. But what about when robots communicate with people? How can robots use non-verbal communication ...

Planning for a nuclear future

Materials scientists and engineers from six UK universities are joining forces to forecast the life expectancy of nuclear power reactors.

Netflix's star shines in 4Q, adds 3.1M subscribers

Netflix Inc.'s video subscription service topped 20 million customers during the fourth quarter to help push its earnings beyond analyst expectations and burnish its reputation as a stock market star. Its shares surged nearly ...

Qualcomm 1Q earnings surge nearly 40 percent

(AP) -- Qualcomm Inc. said Wednesday that earnings in the latest quarter surged 39 percent, driven by a growing worldwide embrace of smart phones and a shift to high-speed data networks.

Would a 'variable' state pension age be fairer?

(PhysOrg.com) -- A study suggests the government should introduce a variable state pension age to acknowledge the wide variations in life expectancy across the UK. It also warns the current state pension system is unsustainable ...

Dying young did not cause Neanderthals' demise

Dying young was not likely the reason Neanderthals went extinct, said a study out Monday that suggests early modern humans had about the same life expectancy as their hairier, ancient cousins.

Oil will run dry before substitutes roll out: study

At the current pace of research and development, global oil will run out 90 years before replacement technologies are ready, says a new University of California, Davis, study based on stock market expectations.

Norway the best place to live: UN

The United Nations on Thursday named oil-rich Norway as the country with the best quality of life, while Asia has made the biggest strides in recent decades.

Link between high schoolers' hopes, educational attainment

Turns out the high school guidance counselor was right. Students who have high aspirations and put thought into their futures during their high school years tend to reach higher levels of educational attainment, according ...

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