Exoskeleton helps the paralyzed to walk

Until recently, being paralyzed from the waist down meant using a wheelchair to get around. And although daily life is more accessible to wheelchair users, they still face physical and social limitations. But UC Berkeley's ...

Robotic exoskeleton to help heal hand injuries

Curtin University researchers have developed an innovative robotic hand exoskeleton which can be made cheaply using a 3D printer and could potentially cut down on rehabilitation visits for patients.

Exoskeleton to ensure an active old age

Researchers from Aalborg University are involved in an international project to develop portable robot skeletons for the elderly so they can continue to be active longer. Think of it as a tool, not as a robot, says researcher.

First exoskeleton for industry unveiled

Production workers often lift up to 10 metric tons of material a day. According to the Work Foundation Alliance (Lancaster, UK), 44 million workers in the EU suffer from work-related musculoskeletal disorders. Now researchers ...

Engineering an affordable exoskeleton

When soccer's World Cup—the most-watched sports event on Earth—kicks off June 12, Berkeley professor Homayoon Kazerooni and his research assistants won't be watching the players. They'll be staring at the person with ...

Exoskeleton to remote-control robot

Visionary 'rocket scientists' will share their ideas on Thursday, 8 May at the TEDx RocketMinds event at ESA's operations centre in Darmstadt, Germany.

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