Asia's biggest tech fair opens in Japan

Smartphones detecting bad breath and radiation, twistable remote controls and a super-thin tablet computer were just some of the gadgets on show at Asia's biggest tech fair in Japan Tuesday.

British painter Hockney reveals iPad art

British artist David Hockney, one of the most influential painters of his generation, is to stage an exhibition of his landscapes from his native Yorkshire, including recent works produced on an iPad.

Do iridescent flowers have more pollinating power?

(AP) -- Scientists are showing off a little-known property of some common garden flowers: They're iridescent, meaning that light shimmers off them like the back of a CD.

Putting sunshine in the tank

Working with the Universities of East Anglia, York and Nottingham and using nanotechnology 100,000 times smaller than the thickness of a human hair, the researchers are working on harnessing the vast energy of the Sun to ...

The wonders of graphene on display

Graphene, discovered in 2004 at The University of Manchester by Professor Andre Geim and Professor Kostya Novoselov, is one of the world's most versatile materials, and is already being used in such varied applications as ...

'Miracle on the Hudson' plane preps for final trip

(AP) -- The trays of food that never got served have been removed, along with some of the seat cushions and the mold from dried river mud. Aside from that, the damaged Airbus A320 jet is largely frozen in time from the day ...

Unlocking the secrets of Heritage Smells

Clues to the condition of museum exhibits and antique objects are to be revealed in a research project led by the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow- with the use of technology for 'sniffing' artefacts.

Smithsonian holds vote on video games for exhibit

(AP) -- The Smithsonian American Art Museum is asking the public to help select video games that will be included in its first exhibit to explore the art and visual effects of gaming.

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