A burning ambition for clean fuel

Fuel combustion chemist Mani Sarathy began his research career as an environmental engineer studying the environmental impact of pollution. But before long, Sarathy realized that the most effective way to mitigate environmental ...

Don't mix business with pleasure

In working life it's now almost expected that employees answer work-related emails after hours, or take their laptops with them on holiday. But the blurring of boundaries between work and personal life can affect people's ...

Microwaves against cold-start emissions

During cold start, a car engine emits far more particulate matter and other pollutants than during warm conditions. This is because a cold catalytic converter is much less efficient at low exhaust gas temperatures. So what's ...

Dynamic catalytic converters for clean air in the city

Reducing pollutant emission of vehicles and meeting stricter exhaust gas standards are major challenges when developing catalytic converters. A new concept might help to efficiently treat exhaust gases after the cold start ...

BMW offices get 'inspection' in preliminary collusion probe

BMW said Friday that European Commission staff conducted an "inspection" at company offices in Munich earlier this week in connection with news media allegations that German carmakers colluded on technology including diesel ...

Gutters teem with inconspicuous life

CNRS scientists and international collaborators have shown that Parisian street gutters are oases of microscopic life, home to microalgae, fungi, sponges and mollusks. Grouped into communities, these microorganisms may help ...

Carcinogenic soot particles from petrol engines

A new study led by Empa scientists finds that some direct-injection gasoline engines emit just as many soot particles as unfiltered diesel cars did in the past. Particle filters can remedy this.

Researchers find alarming NOx-emissions from diesel cars

By now, it's no secret: the certification requirements for cars in the EU and in Switzerland have precious little to do with the cars' actual exhaust emissions on the roads. The "real" exhaust emissions are, therefore, determined ...

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