Fake online editorial fools New York Times

The New York Times, which famously insists on the accuracy of its reports, was red faced Sunday after being fooled by a hoax online editorial posted under the name of ex-boss Bill Keller.

New York Times offers journalists buyouts

The New York Times said Thursday it would offer buyouts to more than a dozen journalists as it seeks to cut costs in an "uncertain" economy.

AP gets Knight funding to create journalistic tool

(AP) -- The Associated Press will be among 16 news organizations and Internet entrepreneurs sharing $4.7 million in funding to design innovative ways to find and deliver news in the digital age.

Pulitzer Board elects Politico co-founder

(AP) -- The Pulitzer Prize Board has elected its first member representing a primarily online news organization, keeping in step with the board's recent decision to allow entries from more online sites.

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