Huff Post visitors pass tracker

The Huffington Post received more traffic than the website of The New York Times in May, the first time it has surpassed in unique visitors, tracking firm comScore said Thursday.

AP gets Knight funding to create journalistic tool

(AP) -- The Associated Press will be among 16 news organizations and Internet entrepreneurs sharing $4.7 million in funding to design innovative ways to find and deliver news in the digital age.

Lab safety, 10 years later

On December 29, 2008, staff scientist Sheri Sangji was working on a chemical synthesis in a lab at the University of California, Los Angeles, when one of the reagents ignited. Sangji's clothes caught fire, causing injuries ...

New York Times offers 30 newsroom buyouts

The New York Times said Monday it was offering buyouts to 30 newsroom managers and other journalists as part of an ongoing cost-cutting drive in a difficult environment for the newspaper industry.

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