'Multiple parties' interested in Yahoo!: memo

Yahoo! is fielding inquiries from "multiple parties" who have expressed an interest in the struggling Internet company, officials said Friday in a memo sent to employees and obtained by AFP.

Bartz blasts Yahoo! board

Fired Yahoo! chief executive Carol Bartz has responded to her dismissal with a characteristically salty blast at the board of directors of the Internet company.

Text of Steve Jobs' resignation letter

Steve Jobs, the legendary co-founder of Apple, maker of the iconic Macintosh computer, the iPhone and the iPad, resigned as the company's chief executive Wednesday.

Yahoo! board re-elected, Bartz comes under fire

Yahoo! chief executive Carol Bartz defended her turnaround efforts at the Internet pioneer Thursday and won the endorsement of the company's chairman and shareholders.

Alibaba head rejects Yahoo! protest over pay unit

The head of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba said Saturday the firm's move to transfer ownership of its online payment unit was "legal and 100 percent transparent", rejecting protests by US-based Yahoo!

Pulitzer Board elects Politico co-founder

(AP) -- The Pulitzer Prize Board has elected its first member representing a primarily online news organization, keeping in step with the board's recent decision to allow entries from more online sites.

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