Model highlights three roots of online toxicity

In 2022, Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience Dean Mobbs began to investigate the relationship between social media use and mental health and well-being. As his research program ramps up to test brain activity and physiological ...

Artificial evolution of an industry

A research team from the University of Delaware and the Indian Institute of Management took a deeper look into the newly emerging domain of "forward-looking" business strategies and found that firms have far more ability ...

A winning strategy for multicellular life

Environmental triggers may have tipped the transition from single- to multi-cellular life, according to new research by SFI REU Emma Wolinsky and Omidyar Fellow Eric Libby.

Species' evolutionary choice—disperse or adapt?

Dispersal and adaptation are two fundamental evolutionary strategies available to species given an environment. Generalists, like dandelions, send their offspring far and wide. Specialists, like alpine flowers, adapt to the ...

Evolution in an island, the secret for a longer life

ICP researchers published today in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B one of the first fossil-based evidences supporting the evolutionary theory of ageing, which predicts that species evolving in low mortality and resource-limited ...

A new take on the games people play in their relationships

Human nature has deep evolutionary roots and is manifested in relationships with family members, friends, romantic and business partners, competitors, and strangers more than in any other aspects of behavior or intellectual ...

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