Scientists construct new family tree for perching birds

Scientists have reconstructed the tree of life for all major lineages of perching birds, also known as passerines, a large and diverse group of more than 6,000 species that includes familiar birds like cardinals, warblers, ...

Alligator study reveals insight into dinosaur hearing

To determine where a sound is coming from, animal brains analyze the minute difference in time it takes a sound to reach each ear—a cue known as interaural time difference. What happens to the cue once the signals get to ...

Effort clarifies major branch of insect tree of life

The insects known as Hemiptera are not a particularly glamorous bunch. This group includes stink bugs, bed bugs, litter bugs, scale insects and aphids. Their closest relatives are thrips, bark lice and parasitic lice. But ...

Escalating arms race: Predatory sea urchins drive evolution

( -- Nature teems with examples of evolutionary arms races between predators and prey, with the predator species gradually evolving a new mode of attack for each defensive adaptation that arises in the prey species.

A willingness to be bullied may be inherited

( -- A new study of the behavior of marmots suggests that a willingness to accept some extent of bullying, rather than shying away from interactions that could lead to conflict, may be inherited.

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