Prolonged droughts likely spelled the end for Indus megacities

New research involving Cambridge University has found evidence—locked into an ancient stalagmite from a cave in the Himalayas—of a series of severe and lengthy droughts which may have upturned the Bronze Age Indus Civilization.

Digesta: An overlooked source of Ice Age carbs

Early human foragers may have relied on eating the partially digested vegetable matter, called digesta, found in the stomachs and digestive tracts of bison and other large game herbivores.

What the egg crisis reveals about our food system

This isn't the first time the price of eggs has skyrocketed. During the mid-19th-century gold rush, San Francisco's population ballooned from around 800 to more than 20,000, creating a scarcity of chicken eggs that hiked ...

Unsound climate studies sneak into print: scientists

Misleading studies sowing doubt about climate change are getting into peer-reviewed journals, scientists warn, citing recent papers linked to a lawsuit in Germany whose authors denied conflicts of interest.

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