Close approach of Venus and Jupiter visible in evening sky

Armagh Observatory reports that the next two weeks will provide an interesting opportunity to observe the brightest planet, Venus, and the largest planet, Jupiter, as they move towards one another in the evening twilight.

Research affirms sexual reproduction avoids harmful mutations

(—Sex or no sex? Using various species of the evening primrose (Oenothera) as his model, Jesse Hollister, a former University of Toronto post-doctoral fellow, and his colleagues have demonstrated strong support ...

Tweet timing tells bots, people and companies apart

Tweet timing can differentiate individual, corporate and bot-controlled Twitter accounts independent of the language or content of a tweet, according to research published July 3 in the open access journal PLOS ONE by Aldo ...

Sex: it's a good thing, evolutionarily speaking

( -- Sure, sex may be fun, but it’s a lot of work, and the payoff is by no means certain. Scientists have speculated for a long time on why all living things don’t simply make like amoebas and split.

Benefits of working from home depends on family demands

If you work from home part of the week as a teleworker, does it help reduce work exhaustion caused by juggling work and family commitments? The answer may depend on the level of conflict you have between work and home and ...

Microbial societies do not like oligarchy

Bacteria and humans tend to live in highly diverse and complex communities. Most interestingly, bacteria and humans appear to prefer to live in a democracy. This is the basic message of the paper entitled "Initial community ...

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