Tracking the deuterium in raindrops, one molecule at a time

New research led by the University of Massachusetts Amherst refines our understanding of the chemical traces that act as the rain's fingerprint. The work, which appeared recently in Global Biogeochemical Cycles, is crucial ...

Exploring the origin of 'black widow' pulsars

Ph.D. candidate GUO Yunlang and Prof. WANG Bo from the Yunnan Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences investigated the formation of black widow pulsars through ultracompact X-ray binaries (UCXBs) with He star companions.

A nanokelvin microwave freezer for molecules

When a highly diluted gas is cooled to extremely low temperatures, bizarre properties are revealed. Thus, some gases form a so-called Bose-Einstein condensate—a type of matter in which all atoms move in unison. Another ...

Ecosystems get increasingly thirsty due to climate change

A new study shows that future ecosystem functioning will increasingly depend on water availability. Using recent simulations from climate models, an international team of scientists found several "hot spot regions" where ...

Exploring how forest restoration affects water cycles

How would afforestation and restoration of large areas worldwide affect water-fluxes world wide? A new study led by Wageningen University researcher Anne Hoek van Dijke with contributions from Martin Herold, GFZ, has ...

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