Greedy algorithms best for multiple targets

What algorithms should an air defense system work with? Particle swarm algorithms if there are ten targets to be hit. If there are more than ten targets, greedy algorithms work best. These findings are presented by researcher ...

Gaining respect through the teaching of human rights

Teaching school children about their rights can reduce exclusions and bullying, raise attainment and improve respect between staff and pupils, according to new research carried out by education researchers at the universities ...

Water-sector firms: which ones will sink or swim?

The United Nations estimates that more than half of the world's population will experience severe shortages of fresh water by 2025. In light of these fresh water forecasts and challenges, several Ryerson University researchers ...

Study: Seasoned profs prepare students for advanced learning

Highly credentialed and experienced professors are better at preparing students for long-term academic success than their less-experienced counterparts, but that ability isn't necessarily reflected in their students' teaching ...

Judges on trial: How to promote judicial accountability

Public employees have long been subject to performance reviews that evaluate how well they are performing their jobs. But can judges, public employees who literally hold the power of life and death in their hands, be assessed ...

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