Studying New Orleans to improve disaster planning

As the 10th U.S. hurricane season since Katrina rolls on, a University of Michigan professor is using advanced data analytics and optimization techniques to find better ways to evacuate regions before disaster strikes.

Why East Coast earthquakes travel so far

A rare 5.8 earthquake that rattled the eastern United States on Tuesday was felt over a wide area from Toronto, Canada down to Georgia due to the hard, brittle quality of the ground, experts said.

Philippine volcano calming; thousands head home

(AP) -- Thousands of villagers evacuated from near the Philippines' most active volcano headed home Saturday after scientists said the rumbling mountain was showing signs it was calming down.

Stairwell evacuation study finds 'what we know we don't know'

Most of the time, we use the stairs in buildings—especially in high-rise structures—only as a back-up for faster elevators and escalators, but during a fire or other emergency, stairs become our primary passage to survival. ...

Helping more people get to safety in a wildfire

Wildfires pose an increasing threat to communities at the wildland-urban interface (WUI)—where dry, flammable vegetation borders backyards, often in remote locations. Despite the well-known danger, many communities at highest ...

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