Philippine volcano calming; thousands head home

(AP) -- Thousands of villagers evacuated from near the Philippines' most active volcano headed home Saturday after scientists said the rumbling mountain was showing signs it was calming down.

Why people often don't properly prepare for hurricanes

Over the past few decades, advances in hurricane forecasting, construction codes, and evacuation procedures have helped to save lives and mitigate property damage. Yet economic damage from hurricanes has steadily increased. ...

Hundreds evacuated after Iceland volcano erupts

A volcano in the area of the Eyjafallajoekull glacier in southern Iceland erupted early Sunday, forcing more than 500 people in its vicinity to evacuate their homes, authorities said.

Why some people won't evacuate: FEMA research

With Hurricane Michael threatening more than 300 miles of the Gulf Coast, prompting emergency declarations in more than 100 counties, the results of research done by Dr. Stacy Willett, a Federal Emergency Management Agency ...

Studying New Orleans to improve disaster planning

As the 10th U.S. hurricane season since Katrina rolls on, a University of Michigan professor is using advanced data analytics and optimization techniques to find better ways to evacuate regions before disaster strikes.

Typhoon slams into Japan, approaches disaster-hit regions

A powerful typhoon slammed into central Japan early Sunday, prompting local authorities to issue evacuation orders, with western areas recently devastated by floods and landslides in the storm's crosshairs.

Mass baboon breakout shuts Paris zoo

Around 50 baboons escaped from their enclosure in Paris's main zoo on Friday, forcing wardens to evacuate visitors while order was restored, the zoo said.

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