From Sea2Sky: Inspiring science across Europe

On the last Friday of September people gathered across 800 venues in 320 cities located in 32 European countries to take part in European Researchers' Night - a free, day-long research festival dedicated to popular science ...

Fly genomes show natural selection and return to Africa

(—When ancestral humans walked out of Africa tens of thousands of years ago, Drosophila melanogaster fruit flies came along with them. Now the fruit flies, widely used for genetics research, are returning to Africa ...

Dating encounters between modern humans and Neandertals

To discover why Neandertals are most closely related to people outside Africa, Harvard and Max Planck Institute scientists have estimated the date when Neandertals and modern Europeans last shared ancestors. The research, ...

EU agrees crack down on shark finning

The European Union endorsed tighter shark fishing rules on Monday to ensure fishermen respect a ban on slicing off the fins of their catches and throwing the live body overboard to drown.

How the European conquest affected Native Americans

Researchers from Germany and the United States suggest that the European conquest triggered the loss of more than half the Native American population. The results of their study provide new insight into the demise of the ...

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