Dutch unveil giant vacuum to clean outside air

Dutch inventors Tuesday unveiled what they called the world's first giant outside air vacuum cleaner—a large purifying system intended to filter out toxic tiny particles from the atmosphere surrounding the machine.

Europe's beaches getting cleaner: study

Europe's beaches are getting cleaner and the vast majority of them last year met the EU's minimum requirements for water quality, according to a report released on Wednesday.

Soundscape approach integrates noise mapping techniques

Noise pollution affects a large number of Europeans becoming quickly one of the most underrated environmental problems that take severe toll on human health. It can affect people in both physiological and psychological ways, ...

Italy approves new anti-pollution measures

Italy's centre-left government on Wednesday authorised local authorities to cut traffic speed limits by 20kph (12 mph) and office heating by two degrees in response to spikes in deadly air pollution.

Poland's coal addiction exacts heavy health, economic toll

The thick, grey layer of smog blanketing Poland's southern city of Krakow is one of the most visible symptoms of the EU member's addiction to coal, a habit experts warn is both economically risky and deadly.

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