EU member states approve US data deal

EU member states on Friday approved a highly-criticised deal with the US intended to curb government spying on the personal internet data of EU citizens.

EU digital progress report card: Europe could do better

A new report says that the European Union's borderless single market is expanding only sluggishly into cyberspace, amid consumer concerns about security and whether it's possible to return unwanted purchases.

EU unveils details of data privacy pact with US

The EU on Monday unveiled details of a new deal with the US to curb government spying on the personal Internet data of European citizens, but critics said it fell short and threatened fresh legal action.

Personal interests pivotal for identification with Europe

What is the decisive factor for identification with Europe? Contact with people from European countries plays a more minor role, as a study conducted by the Institute of Sociology at the University of Zurich reveals. Personal ...

Improved farm animal welfare – added value or a necessity?

Several years ago I started to study an economic issue related to farm animal welfare. Quite soon I realized that this issue can trigger an intensive discussion and receive attention among citizens and in the media. Almost ...

EU says too soon for animal testing ban

The EU pledged Wednesday to phase out animal testing in Europe but said it would be "premature" to ban it outright as demanded by a petition with 1.1 million names.

EU to mull outright ban on animal experiments

The EU will consider a ban on animal experimentation after receiving a petition with 1.1 million names from an anti-vivisection group, officials said Wednesday.

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