Phone calls cost eight times more in some EU states

The cost of making mobile phone calls remains a national lottery—up to eight times higher in the most expensive EU countries compared to the cheapest, the European Commission said Tuesday.

EU eyes more help for shrinking bee populations

The EU on Tuesday announced proposals to try to reverse an "alarming decline" in the number of bees—and other insects that pollinate the bloc's crops—including by rewarding organic farming.

EU countries split over copyright overhaul

Divisions between EU countries could delay or derail plans to overhaul copyright law, an ambition that has set up a battle pitting media firms against internet giants like Facebook and Google.

Brussels unhappy with Europe nuclear stress tests

The EU's energy chief Thursday deemed an almost year-long study on nuclear plant safety in Europe as short on detail and numbers and demanded further work before publication of the critical report.

EU cuts 2020 cod quotas for the Baltic

EU quotas for cod in the Baltic will be cut next year to try to shore up dangerously dwindling stocks, according to an agreement by fishing ministers published Tuesday.

EU frees up cross-border online shopping

The European Union have agreed to lift barriers to consumers shopping online for cheaper goods and services in other EU countries, with the rules to take effect late next year.

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