Using science to avoid ethnic violence

What if we could use science to understand, accurately predict, and ultimately avoid, ethnic violence? A new study published in PLOS ONE does just that. The key to peace, the theory argues, is to either completely integrate ...

Chinese micro-blog re-emerges after shutdown

An early Chinese clone of micro-blog site Twitter that was shut down by authorities last year amid fears it was fanning unrest in the country's restive west has re-emerged.

Internet expert criticizes Indian cyber blockades

(AP)—The Indian government's attempts to block social media accounts and websites that it blames for spreading panic have been inept and possibly illegal, a top Internet expert said Friday.

Domestic violence increase during natural disasters

Thirty percent of women experience domestic violence in various circumstances but the rate increases during natural disasters such as bushfires, floods, and cyclones while community attention is focused on recovery and reconstruction.

Ethnically diverse neighbourhoods 'safer'

Residents of ethnically diverse neighbourhoods can expect to experience fewer assaults than residents of neighbourhoods with little or no ethnic diversity, according to a new way of measuring violence.

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