Mysterious, giant stone jars found in India

Mysterious giant jars that may have been used for burial rituals have been unearthed across four new sites in Assam, India. The discovery comes from a major collaboration involving researchers at The Australian National University ...

Are some towns more lovable than others?

( -- Though magazines often create lists of the 'best places to live,' a new study suggests that no community is more or less likely than another to foster a sense of community attachment.

'Mixed' family moms ensure minority culture continues in the home

The mothers of Britain's 'mixed families' are ensuring their children learn about their heritage and culture, according to a development project funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). So, even if the child's ...

New study on biethnicity in the workplace

New research carried out at the University of Leicester suggests that Barack Obama has become a 'glorious mascot' for biethnic people seeking to achieve in the workplace.