Stem cell model for early human embryo development

The creation of cellular structures similar to blastocysts has enabled KAUST scientists to build an in vitro model that mimics the earliest moments of human embryogenesis.

Sex with robots: How should lawmakers respond?

Advancements in technology have resulted in the design of hyper–realistic, Wi-Fi–connected, programmable sex robots that can mimic human responses, but what do these developments mean for how we regulate interactions ...

Researchers generate human-monkey chimeric embryos

Investigators in China and the United States have injected human stem cells into primate embryos and were able to grow chimeric embryos for a significant period of time—up to 20 days. The research, despite its ethical concerns, ...

Researchers report new approach to cultured meat

Humans are largely omnivores, and meat has featured in the diets of most cultures. However, with the increasing population and pressure on the environment, traditional methods of meeting this fundamental food requirement ...

Detecting CRISPR/Cas gene doping

All athletes want to be at the top of their game when they compete, but some resort to nefarious approaches to achieve peak muscle growth, speed and agility. Recent developments in gene editing technology could tempt athletes ...

Broad beans versus soybeans as feed for dual-purpose chickens

Current practices of the poultry industry have raised ethical and ecological concerns. Ethical concerns include the culling of day-old male chicks of egg-laying breeds; ecological concerns include the import of large quantities ...

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