Study shows money cues can trigger unethical behavior

The word "money" triggers a slew of negative connotations, often including corruption, greed, power, and, most dramatically, the "root of all evil." But while we often associate money and vice, can the mere allusion to it ...

Consider yourself ethical? New research says think again

When confronted with an ethical dilemma, most of us like to think we would stand up for our principles. But we are not as ethical as we think we are, according to Ann Tenbrunsel, the Rex and Alice A. Martin Professor of Business ...

We Aren't as Ethical as We Think We Are, Research Says

( -- Ever since Enron, it seems more academics have been trying to understand and rectify unethical behavior. Research in a forthcoming paper might help organizations better understand thinking patterns in the ...

Poverty and honesty are not opposites

Does poverty cause lying? An international research team led by behavioral economist Agne Kajackaite from the WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Suparee Boonmanunt (Mahidol University, Bangkok) and Stephan Meier (Columbia ...

Book urges scientists to wrestle with ethical dilemmas

Equipping social scientists for ethical challenges is the aim of a new book, "Ethical Challenges in the Brain and Behavioral Sciences: Case Studies and Commentaries" (Cambridge University Press), edited by Cornell psychologist ...

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