Hey Siri: How much does this galaxy cluster weigh?

It's been nearly a century since astronomer Fritz Zwicky first calculated the mass of the Coma Cluster, a dense collection of almost 1,000 galaxies located in the nearby universe. But estimating the mass of something so huge ...

121 breeding tigers estimated to be found in Nepal

The first ever overall nation-wide estimate of the tiger population brought a positive ray of hope among conservationists. The figures announced by the Nepal Government's Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation ...

City transport needs saving from itself – here's how to do it

Cities are growing rapidly. According to UN estimates, the world's urban population grows by two people every second, 7,200 every hour. This means that within two decades, nearly 60% of the world's population – five billion ...

African elephants face 'alarming declines'

African elephants face the worst crisis since global trade in ivory was banned almost a quarter-century ago, with the risk of extinction rising in worst-hit nations, conservationists said Wednesday.

What happens to drugs after they leave your body?

Swallowing a pill only seems to make it disappear. In reality, the drug eventually leaves your body and flows into waterways, where it can undergo further chemical transformations. And these downstream products aren't dead ...

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