'Robobarista' can figure out your new coffee machine

In the near future we may have household robots to handle cooking, cleaning and other menial tasks. They will be teachable: Show the robot how to operate your coffee machine, and it will take over from there.

SpaceX cargo ship blasts off toward space station

SpaceX's unmanned Dragon cargo ship blasted off Tuesday toward the International Space Station, carrying a load of food and supplies for the astronauts living in orbit.

Using espresso machines to do chemistry

Many chemists are familiar with taking trips to the espresso machine while running late-night experiments, but until now these excursions were merely undertaken for the caffeine boost. A group recently reported in ACS' Analytical ...

Espresso in space

Espresso-loving astronauts, rejoice! You may soon be able to enjoy your beloved beverage in space, thanks to a new cup designed specifically to defy the low-gravity environments encountered aboard the International Space ...