Related topics: cyberattack

US scientist not involved in classified research: witnesses

Colleagues of a US scientist found hanged in Singapore last year told a coroner's inquiry Friday he was not involved in projects with military applications and was never asked to compromise any country's national security.

China, Romania key sources of hacking, report says

China and Romania were by far the largest sources of confirmed hacking attempts last year, with China's mostly from state-controlled sources aimed at data theft, a new report said Tuesday.

China: 'leading bad actor in cyberspace,' experts say

China's full-throated denials of hacking and counter-accusations of its own do nothing to allay growing concern over large-scale cyberspying alleged in a bombshell report this week, Western analysts said.

Administration developing penalties for cybertheft

Evidence of an unrelenting campaign of cyberstealing linked to the Chinese government is prompting the Obama administration to develop more aggressive responses to the theft of U.S. government data and corporate trade secrets.

US ready to strike back against China cyberattacks

(AP)—As public evidence mounts that the Chinese military is responsible for stealing massive amounts of U.S. government data and corporate trade secrets, the Obama administration is eyeing fines and other trade actions ...

US, China trade charges on cyberattacks

The United States and China on Tuesday traded charges over cyberattacks after a security firm alleged that Beijing controled hackers who have penetrated the US government, companies and media.

US plan aimed at keeping China out of US networks

(AP)—The White House is expected to unveil a new cybersecurity executive order Wednesday. It's being described as the most comprehensive plan yet for confronting electronic attacks on America's computer networks, or at ...

US is target of massive cyber-espionage: report

The US intelligence community has concluded that America is the target of a massive cyber-espionage campaign that is threatening its competitiveness, The Washington Post reported.

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