Long, cold winter won't affect fire season, says expert

Alberta's long, cold winter won't do anything to dampen the 2019 wildfire season, but being extra careful when working and playing in the forests this spring could help, says a University of Alberta expert.

Quantifying corn rootworm damage

Every year farmers spend a lot of money trying to control corn rootworm larvae, which are a significant threat to maize production in the United States and, more recently, in Europe. University of Illinois researchers have ...

Neir Eshel wins Science & SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists

Neir Eshel, an MD-PhD graduate from Harvard Medical School and a former member of the Uchida Lab, was named the grand prize winner of an essay contest sponsored by the journal Science, the Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab), ...

Built-in wireless sensor to diagnose 'stressed' machines remotely

A*STAR's Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE) and Singapore's Hoestar PD Technology Pte Ltd are working to deploy wireless piezoelectric sensors that will track vibrations and stresses that affect the 'health' ...

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