'Traffic wardens' of cells can be counterproductive

A research team led by Raquel Oliveira (IGC) and Rui Gonçalo Martinho (CBMR/ UAlg), found that a mechanism of cell division control can be associated with an increase of errors in chromosome distribution. This process can ...

Blueprint for fault-tolerant qubits

Building a universal quantum computer is a challenging task because of the fragility of quantum bits, or qubits for short. To deal with this problem, various types of error correction have been developed. Conventional methods ...

Solar system fingerprints found in memories of ESA flotilla

Memories of solar impact from seven ESA spacecraft have been collected and analyzed in a first-of-its-kind study to better understand the radiation environment in space. Huge amounts of engineering data has been used to reveal ...

Smartphone app might help when picking peanuts

Georgia's peanut crop generates more than $600 million annually, but determining the optimal harvest time for the crop can be tricky. Current crop assessment tools are time consuming and prone to human error, leading to millions ...

Digital quantum simulators can be astonishingly robust

In solving quantum-physical problems in many-body systems, such as predicting material properties, conventional computers rapidly reach the limits of their capacity. Digital quantum simulators might help, but until now they ...

Highly efficient, low-cost method developed to reduce DNA errors

DNA only persists through replication—naturally or synthetically. While humans need the genetic material to be reproduced in order to replace old or damaged cells, the ability to replicate DNA in a laboratory setting can ...

Reuters websites blocked in China

Reuters news websites were inaccessible in China on Friday, the latest Western news organisation to be blocked in a country where censors keep a tight grip over information.

New research method aims to unlock academia's biggest problem

Scientists at Keele University have found a solution to one of life's great mysteries: Why people often fail to see the answer to a problem when the solution is right in front of them. The researchers have created a new method, ...

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