Gun ownership and homicide in the US: A stronger correlation

In 2017, there were nearly 40,000 gun-related deaths in the United States, including homicides and suicides. To delve into this alarming statistic, U.S.-trained Université de Montréal economist Karim Chalak and his coauthors ...

Optical chip protects quantum technology from errors

In today's digital infrastructure, the data-bits we use to send and process information can either be 0 or 1. Being able to correct possible errors that may occur in computations using these bits is a vital part of information ...

Explainer: What is geoblocking?

So you sit down in front of your computer to catch the latest episode of Doctor Who directly from BBC's iPlayer, and you are greeted by an error message informing you that the program will play only in the UK. So why are ...

New system boosts efficiency of quantum error correction

The fragile qubits that make up quantum computers offer a powerful computational tool, yet also present a conundrum: How can engineers create practical, workable quantum systems out of bits that are so easily disturbed—and ...

OCR4all: Modern tool for old texts

Historians and other humanities' scholars often have to deal with difficult research objects: centuries-old printed works that are difficult to decipher and often in an unsatisfactory state of conservation. Many of these ...

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