Novel error-correction scheme developed for quantum computers

Scientists in Australia have developed a new approach to reducing the errors that plague experimental quantum computers; a step that could remove a critical roadblock preventing them scaling up to full working machines.

A new method to improve tropical cyclone intensity forecasts

In numerical weather forecasting research, how to improve short-term forecasts of tropical cyclone intensity is a challenging problem that has long plagued meteorologists and operational forecasters, despite that meteorologists ...

Stable conditions during cell division

Errors during cell division can trigger the development of cancer. No wonder that this central process is controlled by multiple regulators and guards. Alex Bird's research group at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology ...

Correcting the jitters in quantum devices

Labs around the world are racing to develop new computing and sensing devices that operate on the principles of quantum mechanics and could offer dramatic advantages over their classical counterparts. But these technologies ...

The fallout from a false nuclear alarm

On Sunday at 7:23 a.m., residents of the Greater Toronto Area were abruptly awakened by an alert issued by Ontario's Emergency Alert Ready System stating: "An incident was reported at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. ...

Completing DNA synthesis

The final stage of DNA replication—"termination"—occurs when two DNA copy machines advance upon each other and unwind the final stretch of DNA. This process occurs about 60,000 times per human cell cycle and is crucial ...

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