At Yale, quantum computing is a (qu)bit closer to reality

( -- Physicists at Yale University have taken another significant step in the development of quantum computing, a new frontier in computing that promises exponentially faster information processing than the most ...

Hand counts of votes may cause errors, says new study

Hand counting of votes in postelection audit or recount procedures can result in error rates of up to 2 percent, according to a new study from Rice University and Clemson University.

Automakers embrace high-tech in safety drive

Automakers displaying the latest technology at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) are relying on sensors, digital cameras and connectivity in a drive towards a common goal -- eliminating accidents.

How to break Murphy's Law

Murphy's Law is a useful scapegoat for human error: "If something can go wrong, it will." But, a new study by researchers in Canada hopes to put paid to this unscientific excuse for errors by showing that the introduction ...

Quantum error correction in solid state processing

( -- "Liquid state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) has been successful for quantum information processing,” Osama Moussa tells “However, there are some questions about scalability and other ...

Bug forces Google to pull Gmail app

Google unveiled an email application for Apple's iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch on Wednesday but was forced to pull it just hours later because of a bug.

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