Built-in wireless sensor to diagnose 'stressed' machines remotely

A*STAR's Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE) and Singapore's Hoestar PD Technology Pte Ltd are working to deploy wireless piezoelectric sensors that will track vibrations and stresses that affect the 'health' ...

Automatic test procedures for apps on smartphones and tablets

For many so-called apps, developers and companies have not adequately ensured that the mini-programs are actually working the way they should. Therefore, computer scientists at Saarland University developed software which ...

The Wikipedia paradox: Who's telling the truth?

People are less likely to trust a poorly written article if the visual cues suggest it comes from Wikipedia. Presented with the same information in an alternative layout, their trust will be greater. The presence of serious ...

Playing quantum tricks with measurements

A team of physicists at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, performed an experiment that seems to contradict the foundations of quantum theory—at first glance. The team led by Rainer Blatt reversed a quantum measurement ...

Researchers build self-repairing "systemic" computer

(Phys.org)—Computer scientists Christos Sakellariou and Peter Bentley working together at University College in London, have built a new kind of computer that runs instruction segments randomly, rather than sequentially, ...

Raunchy Vine videos prompt adult rating

The propensity for people to post porn evidently prompted Twitter on Wednesday to stamp an adult rating on an updated version of its Vine video-snippet sharing software.

Vine video porn posts exposed

Twitter's iPhone video-snippet sharing service Vine had concerns about porn exposed on Monday after adult content was bared briefly in an "Editor's Picks" section.

Molecular forces are key to proper cell division

Studies led by cell biologist Thomas Maresca at the University of Massachusetts Amherst are revealing new details about a molecular surveillance system that helps detect and correct errors in cell division that can lead to ...

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