Tests show integrated quantum chip operations possible

Quantum computers that are capable of solving complex problems, like drug design or machine learning, will require millions of quantum bits—or qubits—connected in an integrated way and designed to correct errors that ...

'Traffic wardens' of cells can be counterproductive

A research team led by Raquel Oliveira (IGC) and Rui Gonçalo Martinho (CBMR/ UAlg), found that a mechanism of cell division control can be associated with an increase of errors in chromosome distribution. This process can ...

Pre-election polls not becoming less reliable: study

Pre-election polls are not becoming less reliable, said a study Monday addressing public distrust stemming from surprise results in Britain's 2015 general election and the 2016 US presidential vote.

Merge assistant for trucks takes over from the driver

Merging on the motorway or changing lanes: this may quite literally become an automatism for truck drivers in the long term. Jan Loof, mechanical engineer at Eindhoven University of Technology, has developed a system that ...

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