Understanding gender dysphoria in transgender teenagers

The teenage years are a tumultuous time in one's life, especially for transgender teens. On top of typical social, mental, physical and emotional changes, they might also experience gender dysphoria—the psychological distress ...

Hidden energy poverty revealed by energy equity gap

Destenie Nock and Shuchen Cong are unveiling hidden energy poverty and insecurity. Their new metric, developed with collaborators at the University of Maryland and the Salt River Project, illustrates what they've termed the ...

New wage gap calculator aims to help close earnings gap

The United States has had a federal equal pay law on the books for close to 60 years—and yet some projections estimate it'll be another 30 years before women and men finally earn the same. On Boston's Equal Pay Day on April ...

How public pension funds can help address climate change

With public pension funds managing $4 trillion nationally and essentially representing the retirement plans of 20 million U.S. workers, where that money is invested has a lot of ramifications.

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